Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sleep well....

It is time to say goodnight. We had a great weekend. Next week is the PLS&R Cook-off so it’s going to be a busy week. To start off I have to go to a "Team Building" session tomorrow. UGH!!! I hope that you all had a great weekend and I wish you an awesome week. You know, one never knows what The Universe has in store for us. Personally, I believe that IT IS ALL GOOD ... though we may have to spend some time in reflection to discover how many blessings in disguise have resulted in the evolution of our soul. Pay it forward each day and make each day yours. God Bless as always...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

How to Be a Well-Rounded Teenager

How to Be a Well-Rounded Teenager:

A group of typical teenagers.

Your teenage years can be pretty difficult to navigate through, with many emotional and physical changes to contend with. It's unrealistic to aim to be a "perfect teenager", as no one can be completely perfect but you can become a well-rounded and smart teenager by keeping your focus on creating a balanced lifestyle and enjoying a range of healthy relationships. This article provides a number of suggestions for each part of your teen life.


Do well in school

  1. Working hard in school will become worth it on your graduation day.
    Working hard in school will become worth it on your graduation day.
    Pay attention in class and get good grades. School may seem boring, but it is important to try and and do well. Good grades will give you more options in the future. Make sure to jot down any homework or test deadlines when you get them so that you don't forget to complete them and prioritize your study deadlines. When it is recommended to write notes from your classes, write notes, as this is one of the best ways for informing your revision before writing essays and sitting exams.
    • If there's something you don't understand, ask somebody! Read it through carefully again, then if you still don't get it, ask a friend or a teacher. Despite what people might imply, there is never such a thing as a dumb question; it is better to get clarity than to stew in the dark, unenlightened.
    • When you get home from school, do a quick recap on what you learned that day. This will help you for when you need to revise it as it cements the day's learning and is much easier than cramming at the last minute. And while it may not seem like it now, learning-as-you-go creates long-term remembering whereas cramming trains only short-term memory and prevents you from truly learning and having access to that information in the future.

  2. Do your homework.
    Do your homework.
    Do your homework. This sounds like a no-brainer, but doing your homework effectively doesn't just mean sloppily writing something down and handing it in. Do your best on every assignment, and as already stated, ask questions when you don't understand something. Plan a homework schedule so that you don't get yourself into a time crunch.
  3. Getting to know your teachers can lead to relationships that will last beyond your school years.
    Build good relationships with your teachers. This is especially important in high school, because you may need to ask a few of your favorite teachers to write recommendations for your college applications. The better they know you, the better those recommendations will be. But more than this, these people can serve as mentors and guides as you move through high school and you can learn much from their knowledge and experience.

Spend time with friends

  1. Find friends that you'll love for years.
    Take your time to find the right friends. The best friends are friends that you feel comfortable goofing off with and being serious with. You shouldn't have to change your personality to please them. Good friends can be hard to find, so remember that it's not uncommon to change your group of friends several times during your teenage years.
  2. Don't let people gang up on you or force you to do things.
    Don't let people gang up on you or force you to do things.
    Watch out for peer pressure. Many people experiment with a lot of things in high school and middle school, and it is important to learn how to say no to anything you are not comfortable with. Listen to your instincts and do what's right.
    • Sometimes people pretend to be friends just to get you to do something they're unwilling to do themselves, such as steal things, buy drugs or cheat. None of these things are worth founding a relationship on and if you're caught, it's you who gets into trouble and you'll find the so-called friendship fails instantly.

Spend time with family

  1. Go out to dinner with your family.
    Go out to dinner with your family.
    Build a relationship with your parents. Although it often seems as though they don't take you seriously, letting your parents know that they can trust you will usually lead to you having more freedom.
    • Recognize that this is a hard time for your parents. Remember that they're not out to make your life miserable—while you feel like you should be treated like an adult, your parents are struggling with the realization that you're not their little baby anymore. They are also likely to be struggling with working, paying a mortgage, raising your siblings as well as you and doing their best to be good parents. It's not an easy job but you can make it easier by being understanding and friendly.
  2. You may be more similar than you thought!
    Get to know your siblings. Your little sister might seem like the most annoying person in the world now, but you're likely going to spend the rest of your life with her. Plus, being at home will be much more fun when every night is like a sleepover with your best friend.
  3. Helping cook can take a load off of your parents' plates.
    Helping cook can take a load off of your parents' plates.
    Help out around the house. Some chores take less than five minutes to complete when many hands are applied to them, and your parents and siblings will be in a much better mood if there is one less thing for them to do. You can even morph chores into a fun way to spend time with your family by turning them into a contest. Try blasting music that everyone enjoys, or having a nice conversation while you work and setting time limits for completion. If you have winners for properly completed chores, prizes can include things like choosing the DVD or move to watch as a family or choosing what gets cooked for dinner for that evening.
    • When asked to do a task, do it. This can save many arguments around the house, and when the chores are done you're free to do whatever you want! Arguing can take up a lot of time and creates emotional friction that nobody wants to feel.

Spend time with yourself

  1. Go to your special place.
    Go to your special place.
    Schedule some me-time. Life can get pretty busy as a teenager, but its important that you spend time with yourself as well.
  2. Explore your interests
    Figure out your hobbies and interests. Find something you love and make sure you do it regularly. This will allow you to be refreshed and happy when it comes to other parts of your life. Don't be surprised if your interests change in the space of months or years; that's natural while you're still working out what you enjoy most but don't try too hard. Just follow your interests to see where they lead and remain open-minded about new possibilities too.
  3. Find joy in the small things.
    Stay happy. Depression is a very common condition that tends to show up in your preteen or teenage years. Seek professional help if you think you may be depressed. You may or may not get family support to help you through (depending on your family circumstances) but don't let a lack of such support stop you from caring for your mental health; there is always someone who can help you sort out depressive or negative feelings and problems and the earlier you are treated, the easier it will be to recover and gain both confidence and resilience for a happier future.
    • Allow yourself to goof off from time to time. Trying to always be serious or focused can make you feel unhappy. Give yourself space to do fun things regularly to balance your studies, activities and relationships.
  4. Go to a small concert or a coffee shop and discover new bands.
    Listen to music. This can help you relax and relieve some of the stress from a busy day at school or with friends. Music is a good way of expressing yourself too – if you don't already know how to play an instrument, consider learning one now, such as the guitar, piano or keyboard. And don't forget that your voice is an instrument too!
  5. Learn ways to enjoy solitude. Learning to enjoy time spent alone is an important part of realizing that you're whole without another person. This can help to prevent the development of co-dependent relationships or seeking to make another person the source of your life's happiness. Solitude also helps you to learn more about what makes you tick as a person and what your life's values are. Some ways to find effective and enjoyable solitude include meditation, walks by yourself, writing in a journal and spending time with pets.

Take care of yourself

  1. Take care of yourself. Wash your face, take regular showers, have home cooked meals instead of ready-made ones, etc.
    • Always make sure to brush your teeth 2-3 times a day.
      Always make sure to brush your teeth 2-3 times a day. This will keep them clean and your breath smelling good.
  2. Exercise can be fun!
    Exercise. You don't have to go crazy, but a little bit of physical activity each day, such as biking to school, will help keep both your body and mind healthy.
  3. Enjoy healthy food.
    Enjoy healthy food.
    Eat well. Eating too much or too little will make it hard to focus and cause you to do poorly in other areas.
  4. Don't let yourself get too exhausted.
    Get enough sleep. Having about 9 hours sleep is the best thing to be doing, even on weekends; it will prepare you for school and make yourself feel better the following morning. Try to schedule each week so that you get your homework done at a reasonable hour. If you know you're going to have a lot on a given night, talk to your teacher about getting an extension, or even better, handing it in early. This will make your body more aware of what's going on, and will make any dreadful bags under your eyes disappear!
  5. Wake up on time.
    Wake up on time.
    Wake up on time. Make sure you have enough time to have some breakfast, wash your face, have a shower if you need to, etc. before school starts.
    • Packing your bag and hanging up your outfit/uniform the night before will make everything a lot faster and more organized.
      Packing your bag and hanging up your outfit/uniform the night before will make everything a lot faster and more organized.
      Packing your bag and hanging up your outfit/uniform the night before will make everything a lot faster and more organized. Don't forget to lay out a clean pair of socks, underwear and a pair of shoes also!

Join an extracurricular activity

  1. Public speaking is one of the many life skills Boy Scouts can teach.
    Public speaking is one of the many life skills Boy Scouts can teach.
    Join Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts/4-H or similar programs and stick with it. These programs will give you a sense of community and teach you life skills. They also open up a range of opportunities that might not be offered at school or through your social networks, such as public speaking, drama, life or outdoor skills, etc.
  2. Try Robotics.
    Try Robotics.
    Join a club. School clubs are a great way get involved without sacrificing things you're passionate about. They an also help you work out what sorts of hobbies and interests you enjoy most. Try a few over your teen years and don't be afraid to admit when one doesn't work for you and to keep looking.
  3. Find your niche on the track team.
    Try for a sports team. This will teach you how to work in a team, and you will become good friends with your team members. Alternatively, if team sports don't do it for you, at least find a sport that interests you be it athletics, triathlons, swimming, tennis, cycling or other more individual but still excellent sports. Even individual sports have team elements when you play on behalf of your school or region.
    • Martial arts can be another excellent outlet for physical and mental development. They are also a good way of developing self-discipline. While it's a good idea to begin in one martial sport, it is possible to do more than one once you're proficient in your first martial art.

  4. Consider volunteering. Another extracurricular activity that benefits both you and others is volunteering. Choose something you're passionate about and set regular times to help out. It might be something that fits in with a sport or activity you love too, so it doesn't have to be about over-stretching yourself.

Find a job

  1. While getting a job is a wonderful way to spend your extra time, don't feel like it's absolutely necessary. The things discussed above come first - relationships, studies and extracurricular activities. A job is not worth sacrificing any of those aspects of your teen years and it is very hard to juggle a lot of different responsibilities with a job. On the other hand, if you feel you can manage to fit in a part-time job with your other activities, getting a job will help show your parents that you are responsible, and can give you money to save or buy things that your parents can't spare the money for. Some common teenage jobs include:
    • Babysitting can be a fun way to earn money.
      Babysitting. If you have little siblings, ask their friend's parents if they ever need a babysitter. Post signs around elementary and preschools. You can usually make pretty good money babysitting and this is a good weekend job that still lets you study or call friends on the phone once the children have gone to bed.
    • Playing with pets can also help relieve stress.
      Playing with pets can also help relieve stress.
      Petsitting. If you don't feel comfortable being responsible for another person, a pet might be a way to start. Talk to your neighbors and family friends with pets, and let them know that you'd be happy to watch the pets when they go on vacation. The beauty of this job is that it will usually be periodic rather than every day. If you live in the country, don't forget that farmer neighbors might jump at the opportunity of the chance to take a little time off for a break knowing you're caring for their farm and animals.
    • Tutoring.
      Tutoring. If there's a subject that you excel at, you can make money teaching it to others. Post signs around town with your contact information, talk to your friends and their younger siblings, or ask your old teacher(s) if s/he can recommend you to parents of struggling children.
    • Being a camp counselor.
      Being a camp counselor.
      Being a camp counselor. Contact the YMCA or the director of your favorite childhood summer camp and ask when they hire camp counselor and if you can apply. Usually, people start hiring for the next summer from around January to March or April, depending on the size of the camp.
    • Find a job you'll love!
      Find a job you'll love!
      If you can legally get a work permit, apply for jobs at a local business. Look into being a restaurant host/hostess, working in retail, or helping to coach a sport.


  • Take a bottle of water to school for a quick sip in lessons. Water helps to keep you hydrated and therefore focused and energetic. It is a lot healthier and better for your teeth than cola, fizzy pop, etc.
  • Listen to your parents and teachers. They have been where you are already and there are things they can help you to learn instead of "reinventing the wheel".
  • Avoid conflicts with friends. If you feel you're getting negative attention from one person, try to stay away from them for a while and let them cool off.
  • Don't think that you're not able to do anything. Just try your hardest and maybe just maybe you will have success.
  • Make sure that everything is ready the night before, and that you have plenty of time and don't miss out on breakfast in the morning.
  • Always try to be a positive teenager.


  • If you have difficulty with schoolwork, speak to the relevant teachers and ask for help.
  • If you experience negative feelings or you're subjected to abuse (emotional, physical or verbal), seek help from someone like a teacher, parent, friend, counselor or other neutral party. If there are problems at home, seek help from a counselor or someone else you trust outside of the home. Don't suffer in silence; nobody deserves to be at the center of constant harm.

    Relationships and Insecurities

    Insecurities can lead to a lot of problems in a relationship and sometime a person becomes so occupied by them, that the negativity is taken to a whole new level. Both the partners have to understand that insecurities are born in a relationship and that they don't exist from before. The relationship has to be nurtured in such a way that there is no space for doubts and questions. You won't even understand how insecurities can ruin a relationship in no time. Maintaining healthy relationships is very important if you want to make the relation last and be happy. Given below are some reasons that give rise to insecurities in a relationship and how one can deal with these insecurities.

    What Insecurities in a Relationship Mean


    Trust is a very important aspect in every relationship. However, trust is something that cannot be gained easily. It takes years of staying together to know if you can trust that person. Some very easily say that we trust our partners, but how sure are we? Constant efforts have to be made to gain the trust of your partner and if it's not done, it hits a low pit. It is at this moment that insecurity issues step in. You are all of a sudden unsure of all the promises and plans you'll made together.


    One of the leading causes of insecurity is jealousy. We first need to understand that jealousy is not only limited to physical appearance but much more than that. When two people are in a relationship, they sort of own each other emotionally as well. If that space is suddenly occupied by a third person (male or female), doubts of regarding importance are going to surface. Every relationship demands a sort of ownership of time and space of the partner.


    Spontaneity is very vital in a relationship as the lack of this will eventually show your partner the lack of your interest in the relationship. There has to be a surprise element to the relationship as well which tells you that the love is not dead yet. Enthusiasm towards each other is one of the best ways to keep the relationship alive with healthy thoughts and feelings. If this goes missing, the level of interest is going to be judged which if found low, will lead to insecurities.

    Distance Issues

    The maximum number of insecurities in a relation arise if two people are in a long distance relationship. When the person is near you, you are subconsciously aware of him/her being there with you, near you. Distance brings a lot of a problems in relationship, mainly those of communication. When communication takes a step back, assumptions take a step ahead. Insecurities relating to infidelity are a maximum here. The best advice here is to communicate enough and proper.

    Lack of Understanding

    Have you heard of lack of empathy in a relationship? This has been a problem in so many relationships that some of them have even lead to divorces. Insecurities basically arise when there is no understanding or when there is no initiative to understand someone. An emotional block can do a lot of harm to the feelings that should actually flow between two people in love. A genuine effort to understand and comfort in certain situations can solve problems to a great extent.

    These were some issues that give rise to insecurities in a relationship. The moment you see some signs of insecurity, take a step back and see what you need to work on. Insecurities don't only affect your relationship but gradually you start looking at the world through them. They can cause a lot of emotional turbulence for you that is not only unhealthy but also heartbreaking at times. Learn to fight insecurities by communicating well with your partner.


    Fatherhood is not always about the discipline, about driving forth the values and morals and definitely not just about being an authoritarian figure for the kids. A man in the role of a father goes through some interesting phases in life and these phases are not always about being like a figure looming large, but someone who goes through his own insecurities and doubting times when dealing with his children. If you do what is right as a father it will always work out in the end.  Remember that being a father is not a biological act in of itself. It is a way of life and the ability to show love for the child. 

    Friday, September 16, 2011

    Nature of Human Life

    When I deeply contemplate the transient nature of human life, I realize that, from beginning to end, life is impermanent like an illusion. We have not yet heard of anyone who lived ten thousand years. How fleeting is a lifetime! Who in this world today can maintain a human form for even a hundred years?

    There is no knowing whether I will die first or others, whether death will occur today or tomorrow. We depart one after another more quickly than the dewdrops on the roots or the tips of the blades of grasses. So it is said. Hence, we may have radiant faces in the morning, but by evening we may turn into white ashes.

    Once the winds of impermanence have blown, our eyes are instantly closed and our breath stops forever. Then, our radiant face changes its color, and the attractive countenance like peach and plum blossoms is lost. Family and relatives will gather and grieve, but all to no avail?

    Since there is nothing else that can be done, they carry the deceased out to the fields, and then what is left after the body has been cremated and has turned into the midnight smoke is just white ashes. Words fail to describe the sadness of it all.

    Thus the ephemeral nature of human existence is such that death comes to young and old alike without discrimination. So we should all quickly take to heart the matter of the greatest importance of the afterlife, entrust ourselves deeply to our God and the Universe from which we are all part of, have been and will always be.

    Tuesday, September 13, 2011

    Part of the whole...

    Human beings are part of the whole which we call the universe, but a part limited in time and space. Humans experience themselves, their thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, sort of a figment of his consciousness. This is a cell for us, holding us to our personal desires and to the affections for only a few people that are nearest to us. Our purpose must be to break away from this cell, this prison by expanding our circle of compassion and understanding for all that live and the whole of nature in its beauty….Good night and God Bless each of you, all of you.

    Sunday, September 11, 2011

    Right of passage...

    Everyone remember your very own first vehicle? Well today our son got his and he has not quit smiling...he is a great kid and he does deserve you pal!!!

    Saturday, September 10, 2011

    Goodnight and a thought...

    Wisdom, as you may be well aware, is a state of mind acquired over a period of time. No one is born with an inherent sense of wisdom. It is learned and developed in our minds as we grow, and as we make mistakes in our lives. A life without mistakes would be a fairly redundant life as there would be absolutely no scope for growth. But this process can harm those that mean the most to us. Be aware of your actions and your thoughts. Admit your wrongs and in becoming wise you must not repeat the mistakes. Goodnight and God Bless each of you.

    My Nirvana

    So the child grows. As his needs and desires gain in both intensity and sophistication, he is dependent on his sparse inventory of experience to propel him safely through the deep and hazardous waters of interpersonal relationships. The lessons get harder and the price gets much higher to pay. A smile is no longer enough. A cute gesture is only that and nothing more. Love and acceptance by others is no less a necessity now than ever, but it is not so easily obtained. The obligatory and anticipated rewards for adorable behavior given us by our parents are not so readily found in those who have no genetic predisposition to love us. Familial love is but a pale precursor of the romantic love we seek in later years.

    But still we hunger for that warm contentment of shared compassion and longing for physical contact which can only be encountered when we are held tightly in the heart and soul of an object of our desires. For me is it is my wife and she has honestly more than she knows or more than I can ever show has my heart and my soul. I know this because when I hurt her I do honestly feel it 100 fold in my own heart. When she cries my heart breaks in knowing that I am the one that has caused the tear and the pain.

    We set forth on our journey to love's gratification with only those sadly ineffectual tools we developed as children. Their purpose, long served, has outlived its usefulness. We search for nirvana unclothed and without protection from the harshness of the world in which it may or may not exist at all. By trial and many errors, we ruefully discern that the truest and most satisfying of emotional forces, that which we call love, often appears to be no more than a taunting mirage. An apparition of beauty which lies just beyond our seemingly limited reach. 

    We strive and toil endlessly, enchanted by love's simple promise of a more complete and meaningful existence. A communal reality of two souls enjoined by identical and mutually fulfilling sentiment.  Ahhh, such is the essence of wakeful dreams and conscious imaginings but I have been blessed to find it all with my family and my wife. For I have this nirvana when I do what is right and do no harm. When I do harm I jeopardize this all and that is good.

    Know what you have always and feel it. Respect it and all around you. Feed into it positive only. This is the answer to doing no harm and to a long life with those that you love more than life itself.


    When all goes wrong, and my life runs amok,
    I think of you, and I get unstuck;
    In the midst of chaos, you make my heart sing;
    You’re my peace, my happiness, my everything.


    Good morning! I wish you each a great day today.  Make today your best day and God Bless each if you! It's all in how you respond...

    Friday, September 9, 2011


    Time to say goodnight to you all but before I go I wanted to say that I do hope the things I post do indeed have a positive affect on each of you every day. But I also want you to remember that we have a tendency to cling onto wise words and thoughts about life and love made by writers, world leaders, celebrities and superiors, simply because we are programed to listen to what they have to say. The wisdom that is imparted to us from other unlikelier sources simply gets lost in translation more often than not. I want you to keep in mind that wisdom is not collected, it is acquired. Learn from your own enriching experiences and pay close attention to detail and share your own thoughts and wisdom with others. God Bless each of you and goodnight...

    Good one!

    A College Professor stood on a chair Said "If GOD really exists then knock me off this chair"- Nothing happened, the class was quiet. He said, See I'll give it a couple more minutes. A Marine Vet stood up punched him in the face knocking him out and off the chair then sat back down. As the Professor came to, he looked at him and said "Why did you do that?" The Marine said "GOD is busy protectingmy buddies still fighting for your right to say and do stupid stuff like this so HE sent ME!"

    How will you remember 9/11?

    Dear Friends,

    How will you remember 9/11?

    As we approach the 10th anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks in U.S. history, I still have the same feelings of sadness and outrage for the cowardly acts that claimed 2,952 innocent lives. Honestly, I don't ever want to lose those feelings--or the overwhelming pride in the brave fire fighters, police, and bystanders who also sacrificed their lives to save others. 

    As the American resolve has demonstrated, today we stand bolder as a nation, one that has grown stronger and that together is making a more secure future for our families, our businesses, and our freedoms. The words of President George W. Bush stated ten years ago are true today, "Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest building, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve." 

    On the 10th anniversary of 9/11, please take a moment to remember those who were lost and also salute the armed forces, past and present, who protect the freedoms we enjoy even today. 

    Wave the American flag proudly on this Patriots Day as we renew our commitment to the principles that our great country was founded upon.



    Remember and never forget....

    Fishing in the morning!

    There is nothing like going fishing in the morning on our bayou. The pelicans and cranes flying by. Fish jumping in search of smaller ones to eat. The quiet and the peace. To reflect and to think. What a good morning and a great way to begin ones day!
    Also you see things that you have no idea what it is...

    Law of Nature

    There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life -- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind -- are always attained by giving them to someone else. Pay it forward each day to those around you. Allow each to be human and be at fault and accept those faults as a learning always.

    Good Morning

    Good morning to you all! I wish you each a great Friday! Make it your day. Respond to all things in a positive way. Accept the bad as well as the good and remember that we are all human beings and that we are all here to learn from one another. To grow, to love and to so no harm! God Bless each of you as always!

    Thursday, September 8, 2011

    Our handsome son!

    Meet Jacob! I am proud of the man that he is becoming!!! We all are! He has the heart if a giant!


    Sometimes we are too close or too caught up in the frustrations of ones self or situation that we are unable to see that the actions of the ones that loves us the most are indeed actions of love and they are always there, yet we hurt them. We do so maybe not meaning to but it does not change the hurt. When that happens all one can do is bow to it, accept it and continue to love and to care in the hopes that one day they will see what is really there...YOU, trying to do what is right and to do nothing more than to show that love...

    Love of my life

    I would give my beating heart for my family.

    I love you

    You are everything to me and all I do that is right is for you always. My mistakes are my own and mine alone. I blame no one but me. I will die loving you.


    A place to reflect and be part of what we are...GOD


    Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. I admit mine. I admit them to myself and to God and the Universe. I do. 

    In a relationship it seems now days that one is more wrong than the other and in different issues our thoughts or beliefs.

    Both have to realize that each will hurt the other time to time not meaning to. Not thinking and just being a human. I always say do no harm and I try so hard to do that. In trying to have friends and to have someone to talk to about life it is hard. When one thinks that the other does not care it makes it difficult especially when the other cares for them more than life itself.

    Right now I am confused and I know that i did something that I did not think was wrong but it was to the person that I love. For that I am so very sorry. 

    The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart. I know that mine is full for mine!!! Maybe one day when I have passed they will know this as well....I love you!

    Happiness can only be found if you free yourself from all other distractions. I will be distracted no more....