Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Its Been Rough - I am back

Hello to you my friends. I hope that you have been well. It has been a roller coaster the last few months and I am sorry that I have not posted anything.

It has been rough but all is good. My dad passed away and with that it means that I am no longer anyone's child. You know, no matter how old you are your always a child as long as your parents are alive. When they are gone that's it. Your on your own baby...then you have to grow up.

One thing is for sure is that you then realize your own mortality. This life on earth is short. You need to enjoy your moments and love life and those around you. Don't sweat the small stuff. Be happy and don't waste your time on the negative in life.

I will start writing more as time allows. God Bless you all and Peace to you always...

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