Thursday, May 27, 2010


My Dearest Gwen,

When two souls, which have sought each other for, however long in the throng, have finally found each other ...a union, fiery and pure as they themselves are... begins on earth and continues forever in heaven.

This union is love, true love, ... a religion, which deifies the loved one, whose life comes from devotion and passion, and for which the greatest sacrifices are the sweetest delights.

This is the love which you inspire in me... Your soul is made to love with the purity and passion of angels; but perhaps it can only love another angel, in which case I must tremble with apprehension. LOL.

As cliche as this sounds you do indeed complete me more than any words can convey to you. 

Every day I want nothing more than for you to be happy. Every day I want nothing more than to do something for you to make your life easier.

Today it is sixteen years that we have been married. Today is the beginning of 16 more and then even 16 more after that.

We were meant to be, Gwen. I found you when I was not looking.  I found you when you did not want to be found. I found you because we were meant to be.

I love you,Gwen.  With all of my heart and soul. Thank you for putting up with me all of these years and loving me. Thank you for being there when I have needed you as I plan on always being there for you.

Happy Anniversary

Your loving Husband, Donnie

P.S. ~ Below is a video for you on this day.