Friday, April 2, 2010

Our America, Our Nation: It’s Time once again!!!

Our Nation, our families our lives stand at an abyss. We are now looking into darkness that we never thought we would have to look into.  None the less it is there and it is moving across our Nation at a frightening rate.

Throughout history, humanity has had one pure desire.  Freedom!!! As humans and as citizens of the United States of  America we desire to be free; to be free from oppression, to be free from tyranny, to be free to make our own choice and the desire to be listened to and to belong together as one people and as one Nation.

In the United States we have fought two great wars on our soil to acquire and sustain those rights and to solidify those rights in the Declaration of  Independence, the Bill of Rights and in the United States Constitution. 

Our forefathers with the opening words of our Constitution identified these rights by stating, “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

With the Declaration of Independence, during a time of Government tyranny and total control, they deemed it necessary to dissolve all political bands with the current government because all efforts had failed.

Today we as a Nation find our selves in the same situation.  We have a government that was once the most respected and feared that has become all to encompassing and in the course of less than two years has set this Nation and its people on a path to Socialism and away from the founding desires of our forefathers and of the men that have died for the rights that we are slowly allowing to fade into the darkness of complacency.

The truths of the Declaration of Independence are just as true today as they were when they were first put to quill.

We are still created equal and still have unalienable rights which still include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

We fought to institute our Government to maintain and promote these rights.  This government is not the same that was instituted and has indeed become destructive to these ends and now as is our right we must enforce our right once again.  If we continue to be ignored and we continue to allow this to continue our children and our children’s children will curse us, their forefathers.

We must now declare our causes which impel us today to request that we be heard once again or separate. We have the right to alter or to abolish and to institute a new Government and bring us back to what we once had.

God Bless you and the original United States of America.

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