Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Today in the early morning hours a very beautiful little girl named Layla Grace passed away from this life and to the next.  She was only a few years old but in this short life of hers she accomplished more than many adults do in a life time.  Her purpose on earth was accomplished.  

I have a lot to say and not sure how to say it except that we love you little one even though we did not know you.

I did not know you, yet I morn for you. I did not know you, yet I miss you.  I did not know you,yet I love you as if you were my own. Your time on this earth was short but your purpose was met a hundred fold. You have brought together a multitude and reminded them to not take anything or anyone for granted.  Because of you little Layla,our part of the world has been blessed.  Because of you we are better people.  Because of you we are stronger. Thank you for sharing your life with us precious one. God Bless you Layla...

I have a feeling that even after all of the pain, trials and disappointments, this family is stronger than ever because of Layla. I do know that as much as I love my kids and my granddaughter I look at them with different eyes now because of Layla. I see more of them when I look at them and I swear to never take the time I have for granted.

The parents are awesome to have shared their story and to open themselves up such as they have. Maybe if more of us did as that have done the whole of the world would be a better place.

That is Layla's Legacy. Her parents and her sisters are better and stronger because of this little girl, as am I. Their weakness became their strength.  Their wounds will become muscles and their fears have become faith.  These trials have become the tool to benefit others.

Instead of drowning they have fought the great fight and have touched a multitude of people.  Through this one little girl on this big planet a seed has been sown and I am sure will grow into something great.

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