Saturday, August 29, 2009

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Friday, August 14, 2009


We as a human society tend to go about our everyday life with no worries. We read and see stories of suffering, despair, inspiration and hope but do nothing about it, except for the special few of us. I do not include my self in the us…

We go on like this until that one fateful day that we find ourselves a part of the story. We then open our eyes and see that we are all part of each other and have a profound affect on everyone that we come into contact with, even if for a brief moment.

Then when the event is over we tend to return to our normal routine life and file the experience away in the darkness of our minds.

I wonder what our lives and our world would be like if we as a human race could stay in the state of awareness, compassion, love and desire. Would there be the millions of starving individuals that we see daily? Would there be the homeless, the sick, the depressed, the lonely or even the angry?

I think not. I challenge myself everyday to be open to the events and to the people around me. Everyone that we meet we meet for a reason. We have something to share even it is just that one glance to say, “I see you and know you are there”.

I challenge myself to help those I see in need of food, clothing, shelter a word or just the acknowledgment that they exist.

Saying Goodbye to the Tin Man

I teared up when I read this and wanted to share it with you.

As told in the Wizard of Oz

© 2009 by David Wainland

For Matthew

Grey shadow flows over leaves

Creatures of night awaken

Children cling to the TV

Chores ignored for now

“What do you want for dinner?”

A plaintive cry handed down

From mother to daughter

Throughout generations

No answer, they are trapped

By spurious creatures

Inhabiting a world

Of illustrated companions

“Turn it off, now!”

They do, but not before

The last character morphs

Slides into their open minds

Sponge Bob mischief

Settles in and takes over

“Crabby patties please, with

Jelly fish jelly and peanut butter”

She giggles he guffaws

The room ignites

Bright rainbow laughter

The sweetest sounds

Tomorrow I leave

Flying sadly south

Tonight we say goodbye

Half of me longs to stay

Later, I tell them a story

Learned from my father

“Do voices,” they beg

She cuddles close

He is quiet, reserved

Does not smile

As I embellish the tale

Loosing a barrage of sounds

Goodnight children

Slipping off to dreamland

Stoically I return to my room

Sad and missing them already

My door opens, he stands there

“Goodbye Poppy,” one lonely tear

I say as Dorothy to the Tin-Man

“I think I will miss you most of all.”