Saturday, December 30, 2006

OK...I am quitting SMOKING January 1, 2007

After years of smoking I am going to quit. My wife quit years back and she is the worst ex-smoker on the planet. She can smell it a mile away. I can do it to!!! I am posting here some of the reasons I am quitting so that I can refer back when it gets hard, I will modify (add only) as I come up with more. Some may even help you:

1). Live longer for myself and family.
2). Get my wife and I closer together.
3). Get my kids away from the smoking.
4). Save money.
5). Save on the replacement of furnature and clothing due to smell.
6). Increase resale value on home and vehicle.
7). Breath better.
8). Smell better.
9). Look better.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck. It took me a few times to quit but I did it. You will do it. Family is a big help.
