Saturday, December 30, 2006

OK...I am quitting SMOKING January 1, 2007

After years of smoking I am going to quit. My wife quit years back and she is the worst ex-smoker on the planet. She can smell it a mile away. I can do it to!!! I am posting here some of the reasons I am quitting so that I can refer back when it gets hard, I will modify (add only) as I come up with more. Some may even help you:

1). Live longer for myself and family.
2). Get my wife and I closer together.
3). Get my kids away from the smoking.
4). Save money.
5). Save on the replacement of furnature and clothing due to smell.
6). Increase resale value on home and vehicle.
7). Breath better.
8). Smell better.
9). Look better.

Saddam Hussein is Dead...

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi dictator who spent his last years in captivity after his ruthless regime was toppled by the U.S.-led coalition in 2003, was hanged before dawn Saturday for crimes committed in a brutal crackdown during his reign.

Now that he is dead what is next? There have been many threats made about retribution against the United States and the current government of Iraq. Are we prepared, are we ready. I have a feeling that the world has now changed somehow. I feel that after this the world will look at the United States in a different way. What way I am not sure. I do know that I am worried about what is to come.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Great Song...Makes you think...

We need to remember that we as a Nation and a people have done good for mankind. We need to share the good we have done with all and quit letting the media focus on the negative...

Saddam Hussein to be Hung - What Now???

OK. Saddam Hussein is going to be hung in public in the next few days. What will happen then with Iraq? My answer....Nothing. Nothing will change because he is gone except the people that he hurt and the families of the people that he killed will feel better and have justice. The world will be a better place, don't get me wrong. I just think that people are thinking that the problems in the region will get better because they won't. The change that we are attempting to promote there will take generations, many of them. But first they have to want to change as a society. Right now they do not. This is the only way of life that they know. What they need is a true Leader that can bridge the gap between the religious sects, political parties and just the different cultures crammed into the area. Someone that can speak to all and lead all to the same goal...PEACE!!! My question...Who will it be....

Looky Here... I made a Blog

Hello all and welcome to my Blog. My name is Don and I am new to Blogging. I plan on sharing bits of my life with you and a lot of my opinions and my beliefs on life and what is going on in the world today. Heck, no one else will listen to me, maybe you will. :) I hope you check back often. You may be supprised what I have to say...